
How do we kick this off?

Getting started is as easy as shooting an email to hello@entermotion.com. We’ll talk about your needs, whether you want a logo, a website, or an app. We’ll get a feel for your preferences – what you love, hate, and why. (It’s totally okay if you don’t know what you love or hate – we’ll get there, don’t worry.)

We’ll answer any questions you might have about your project, and we hope you feel like you have a partner in all this by the time we schedule our first meeting.

We don’t need much to get started. Just your honesty and approval!

Why should I choose you?

Well crap. To be honest, we hoped you would like our really cool portfolio and our matter-of-fact attitude. But we get it. This is a big decision. You need more reasons.

We’re small in number, and we think that’s our greatest strength. By working with us, you’ll get a chance to work with real people, not with a corporate mandate.

We have families, babies, dreams, and opinions. We think our real experiences, when rawly presented, benefit our clients who are trying to appeal to other real people in a real way. For real. You get it.

We’ve been around. Some of the big agencies who were at the top when we started are gone now. Some of the competitors who started at the same time as us have now been absorbed, exploded, or evaporated. We’re still here.

We’re just about the same size as we ever were. We hit our stride when our number of employees and clients was giving us the income and quality of life we were happy with, and we maintained that. It’s a really weird idea for many people, but building a lasting, sustainable, quality business is the only thing we care about. We’re excited to get started on our second decade.

We care. We know. These are beat up, sad old words. But really. We think about your projects when we’re not at work. We make sure that we find the most creative solution for your budget, and we know that we ride on the coattails of each of our clients so your success is incredibly important to us.

We’re honest. We’re not afraid to say, “we don’t like this idea” or “we don’t think we will be as successful if we do it this way.” These are hard words to hear; even harder to say. But clients come to us for honest dialog and honest work. For one goal…success. Not emotional coddling, not “yes men.” But rather a single-minded focus on success through honesty. You can’t get that without deeply caring about your work.

We think our work is really good. Look. Bragging does not come easy to us. But we take consolation in the facts. Our work is featured in lots of books. Our clients get lots of compliments. We try not to focus on the end, but rather the means. We stay up late reading about design. We watch, we blog, we shop, we look, we study. If our nose is devoutly pressed to the grindstone, we know our work is sanded down on the edges where it might not otherwise be smooth.

We LOVE simple. Everything is so hard these days. Have you ever tried to set your DVR to record a show that starts at 7:05? We live in simple. We love it. If we can save you 10 minutes by adding a few extra words into an email, you can bet we’re going to get writing. If we can satisfy your customers by spending a bit more time on your call-to-action, you better bet we’re on that, too. Simple. Simple wins the race.

Who are you?

We think the soul of a company haunts its walls. It’s in the fabric, the fixtures, the emails, and the faces. Here are a few phrases and words that we think and hope sum us up.

Things we like:
Being simple.
Being small.
Focusing on results.
Being purposeful.
Waking up early and staying up late.
Creating lots of ideas.
Saying “NO” to most of them.
Hitting a finish line with breath left to spare.
New technology.
Apple products.
A broad world view.
High ceilings.
That hot-stomach feeling you get when you know the plan is going to work.

Things we don’t like:
Long emails.
Double talk.
Uncomfortable chairs.
Fax machines.
Projects “on hold.”

We were founded in 2001.
We usually have around two dozen employees, give or take.
We got our start in Wichita, KS, but our employees work from anywhere in the world.
The very first client we ever had…we still have. And they’re not anybody’s brother or cousin, we promise.

What do you do?

Entermotion is a multidisciplinary graphic design firm, which means we do a lot of different things all focused around design. Everything we do pretty much revolves around the following categories:

Logo and identity design
Printed business collateral
Signage and storefront graphics
Website design and development
App (web and mobile) design and development
Advertising in local publications and online
Trade show booth design
Brand development
Copywriting and editing
Minor site updates and adjustments

Custom Websites

What's your website design process?

We’re not formulaic. We go with the flow and we tweak projects as they transform—that’s part of what makes our work truly custom. But over the years, we have learned what works. So here’s a peek into the general process of having a custom website designed and built by Entermotion.

Fact finding, competition analysis, and taste assessment

We’re like spies. We get inside the customer’s head. We ask a lot of questions. We take a tour of facilities, if possible. We try out your products. We get to the root of your business and we take a lot of notes.

We dig deep, and then go a little deeper. Who are you up against? What are they doing well? What gaps are they leaving? How can we differentiate? How are you unique?

We don’t design projects for our clients, but rather for the customers of our clients. It’s the most important thing, right? That said, we approach the marketplace with authenticity. We get to know the attitude and taste of the brand before we get moving.


We believe a story is best told if the design is built around the content. So first, we plan the navigation, which means we figure out what pages will go on the site, and what content will go on those pages. We can write it, or you can. We use a website planning tool we built called Jumpchart to organize this stuff along the way.


Once we know what goes where on your site, we’ll start designing. We use our research and our instincts to develop a custom design that matches your goals.

Development and building

Once we have an approved design, we start building the actual site. We have in-house developers, so we build a custom CMS for every site we work on, no matter how small. It’s super easy to use — we made sure of that. We’ll put the site on a development server, which means it’s not live to the rest of the world yet, but you can test it till your heart’s content and know exactly what it will feel like when it launches.

Final review and launch

We make sure you absolutely love your website before we move forward. When you’re sure every pixel, word, and CTA is perfect, we’ll start launch preparations. We track down bits of information and logins to make the process smooth.

Post-launch support

We’re all about support. We make sure you’re happy, even past the finish line. You’ll have the keys to run your site like a boss, but we’re happy to help out at any point.

We typically work within a 60-90 day completion timeframe, and we build a well-crafted website that can carry your brand as high as you need it.

Do you guys help after launch?

Totally! We do give you access to the CMS, so you can always make small changes on your own. But we’re always happy to make any changes for you at our usual hourly rate, so a quick text change might only be a few bucks. If you want design changes after launch, we’re excited to help! Just email us at hello@entermotion.com.

What kind of CMS do you use?

We’re all about custom, and our CMS is no different. We built a custom CMS that’s super easy to learn and use (we rarely have to train people how to use it.) We were able to craft an intuitive CMS that can handle all your needs, but we’re open minded. If you want us to use an off-the-shelf CMS like Wordpress, we’re happy to get that set up for you.

Custom Programming

What's your web development process?

Tell it with words.

Your story is the most important part of your website, and we know you have a compelling and unique story to tell. So we get started by listening. You tell us who you are and who you want to become. Then we dig a little deeper and start putting the right words in the right order. We create the architecture, figure out what pages will go on your site, and start drafting the content.

Picture it.

We make your site dynamic by telling your story with images. We share mockups with you and we listen to your feedback. Once we reach a version you’re thrilled with, we move on to the next step.

It’s in the code.

We pull together the wireframes and merge them with the design mockups to develop a working version of your website. We follow industry standards to make sure every detail is flawless. We build our sites on LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP), which is a widely used, versatile, and accepted platform.

Dear everyone.

Once you’ve approved your site, and we have everything coded properly, we push it live so the world can see it. We turn over the CMS keys to you so you can make edits whenever you want. Launch day is incredibly exciting for us, and we think you’ll feel the same way!

Can you build something just for me?

Ah, we’re so glad you asked. The answer is an incredibly emphatic YES! We wouldn’t have it any other way, actually. We build all sorts of custom programs for our clients. What do you need? We can figure it out. We’ve built educational test tracking programs, appointment scheduling apps, entire e-commerce systems, banking compliance applications, and even a medical EMR. If you think your business would benefit from custom programming, let’s talk!

Print Design

Talk to me about print materials.

We remember the days when most of what we did involved print jobs! Sure, things have changed, but we absolutely recognize the value in a well-done print piece. We love to design (and produce, if you want!) business cards, flyers, brochures, postcards, presentation material, coupons, trade show booth graphics and anything else you can think up. Whatever you need to share your message with the world, we’re up for making it happen.

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