FuelEXP | Menu and Illustrations for Nebraska Restaurant

Funky Menus and Illustration for a Food-Lover’s Company.

FuelEXP brings delicious food to your mouth fast, and we were salivating to develop custom illustrations and menus for the FuelEXP family. And since they serve up food like gizzards and chicken fried chicken, we created menus that were similarly awesome.

What We Did

  • Menu Design
  • Custom Illustration
Typography sketches for Fuel Exp. Close-up of illustration sketches for Fuel Exp. Close-up illustration for Fuel Exp's morning menu. Close-up of illustration for Fuel Exp menu. Close-up of beef menu for Fuel Exp. Close-up of coupon design and illustration for Fuel Exp. Lunch and dinner menu for Fuel Exp featuring illustrations. Close-up of Fuel Exp illustrations.

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